Big Data Analytics in the Cloud

Google BigQuery. It’s a BIG deal.

“Google is living a few years in the future and sending the rest of us messages.”

That’s a quote from Doug Cutting, co-creator of Hadoop. When it comes to the Cloud Wars, perhaps one of the plaintext messages Google is transmitting from the future is:

Game Over – we win!

BigQuery is the branding and bundling of technical innovations Google created and perfected internally for over a decade. The tech behind BigQuery helps Google run.

By exposing these technologies as a product, we all have the ability to easily unleash the data processing power of Google onto our Big Data datasets in a cost-effective way.

Key features:
  • Serverless & fully-managed
  • Super fast & super scalable
  • Secure. Data encrypted at rest & on-the-wire
  • Inexpensive & easy to use

To become a little more versed in BigQuery & what is behind it, you can click over to my 16 slide Executive Intro to BigQuery. My Slideshare gets you up to speed and also has a short demo that taps into the power of BigQuery from R. For a good high-level overview of R, I suggest checking out my 12 slide Executive Intro to R.

In the Amazon-Google-Microsoft-IBM-Oracle battle for your data and IT budget dollars, Google sees BigQuery as a key differentiator. And they could be right.

#dataanlytics  #cloud

William Cohee William M. Cohee is Executive Director of Financial Services at Greenwich Analytica. Cohee joined the firm after spending three years in the Chief Data Office at HSBC. Prior to HSBC, Cohee held senior leadership positions at UBS, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, and JPMorgan Chase. He has a BA in Computer Science from Manhattanville College. A graduate of Polytechnic University, he also holds a MS in Information Systems Engineering.